Private Network Design
Westrac Mt Thorley Private Network
Westrac has a testing facility at Mt Thorley NSW, which is used for testing heavy machinery, involving DOL operation of motors up to 860kW. PCE was engaged by Rutherford Projects to complete the ASP3 contestable works and private network design related to the site’s electrical upgrade.
ASP3 Contestable Works
PCE was responsible for ASP3 contestable works, including onsite soil resistivity testing, preparation of Ausgrid Network Plans, Ausgrid Environmental Impact Assessment, Safety Designer Reports and development of plans for engaging ASP1 contractors to complete contestable installation works.
HV Private Network Design
PCE completed engineering works related to the Private network design, including HV and LV cable reticulation, protection engineering to suit Ausgrid’s requirements, private earthing design and development of a High Voltage Installation Safety Management Plan (HVISMP).
Voltage Support Solution - STATCOM
A major challenge with DOL starting large motors is the associated voltage fluctuations at the Point of Connection with the external grid. To meet the voltage fluctuation requirements of Ausgrid and IEC61000.3.7, PCE undertook motor starting studies to determine the levels of Var compensation required. PCE worked alongside ABB to specify a 2500kVA Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM), which met the client’s unique needs, resulting in Ausgrid’s approval for the connection.