Compliance Review and Consulting for Imported Electrical Equipment
Compliance Review and Consulting for Imported Electrical Equipment
PCE was engaged to conduct an electrical compliance audit and RPEQ review for a Kiln Firing System – typically used in cement production – being imported to Queensland; from the manufacturer in Germany. PCE obtained all available product information including electrical schematics, functional descriptions, design risk assessments, hazard assessment reports and product presentations and conducted compliance audits against relevant Australian Standards; AS3000 and AS60079.
When large gaps were identified in the early stages of the compliance review, PCE was further engaged to liaise with the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) on behalf of our client to; review and update wire colour code for the entire design; review hazardous area requirements to provide guidance on required design and documentation updates; and review field control devices and recommend replacement equipment at extra-low voltage (ELV).
Following the electrical compliance review and liaison with the OEM in Germany - bringing the design up to Australian Standards - PCE was engaged to design and project manage the construction of the Kiln Firing System electrical panels. This task included panel layout and GA; equipment selection of Australian compliant and end user preferred equipment; switchgear design; cable sizing to AS3008, protection settings, LV and control cable schedule; and detailed construction drawings.
PCE managed the construction of the electrical panels, attended FAT on behalf of our client and produced as-built drawings for the completed system. A detailed audit report was submitted to our client, reviewed and signed off by an RPEQ.